It's fairly obvious that I'm going to struggle to raise my target of £2,500 without help. Not that I'm short of ideas you understand, and there is plenty in the pipe line, but fundraising on such a grand scale takes time and energy, and I really need to start training too. There just aren't enough hours in the day. Now unless someone has a direct line to the Gods, and a favour to call in, I don't think I stand much chance of nudging those precious 24 hours up to say 30 or so.
So, with that in mind, I'm asking for some willing volunteers. Hands up everyone who can organise a little something to help me reach my target. It doesn't need to be much, every little bit helps. Big or small, everything is very much appreciated and goes to help Tommy's research into the causes of miscarriage, still birth and premature birth. If what we do helps see even one baby safe in his mother's arms we'll have achieved something wonderful.
You want to help? Great!
Perhaps you could do a bootsale and donate the proceeds,
or hold a coffee morning.
Have a cake sale at work (everybody LOVES cake),
or a 'guess the number of sweets in a jar',
or a 'guess the name of the teddy bear'.
Get sponsored to shave your head,
or dye your hair a silly colour (*note- my daughters are exculuded from this one, bright and wild is normal for them!)
Hold a teddy bears picnic,
or a barbeque (we will get nice weather sometime this summer, honest).
Start a swear box.
In a band? Do a charity gig.
In a team? Hold a charity football match,
or rugby match,
or a golf tournament.
Get your boss/teacher to let everyone come to work/school in jeans/pyjamas/fancy dress for a pound.
Get your kids to do a sponsored silence (go on, you know you want to)
Hold a raffle,
or charity auction.
Get your local pub to host a fun day,
or quiz night.
Organise a treasure or scavenger hunt.
Sit in a bath of baked beans,
Collect pennies, or pound coins, in a smartie tube....
The possibilities are endless.
If you want to help, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Don't forget to go to my facebook page Running For Tommy's and let everyone know what you're doing so we can all cheer each other on.
You can make a donation by going to my Virgin Giving Page Every Penny Counts.